On September 23rd, Obesity Canada’s GTA Chapter hosted its first cooking demonstration on gut healthy foods in partnership with Guardian -Morelli’s Pharmacy. Aptly titled, “Gut Feeling: Cooking with probiotics and gut-friendly foods”, the event explored the growing public interest in the microbiome and its impact on health, and how our diet can influence a healthy gut. The conversation was led by Registered Dietitian Mary Bamford, who has a special interest and is currently pursuing her PhD on the gut microbiome. Holistic Nutritionist Jiordana Saade showcased a cooking demonstration of sauerkraut and a probiotic-rich salad with the help of chef Rhonda Collins. The session was well attended and interactive with questions also taken by Dr. Sandy Van, a Toronto-based Weight Management Physician, who emphasized that despite there being a known relationship between the microbiome and weight, there isn’t enough evidence to date to offer specific recommendations for probiotics in the management of obesity. This, however, should not undermine efforts to pursue dietary modifications for a healthy gut in favour of overall health benefits on digestion, immunity and mental health. A big thanks to pharmacist Dr. Joseph Lin of Guardian -Morelli’s Pharmacy for his role in organizing this event! 




  • 1 medium Cabbage 
  •  2 tbsp of salt 
  • Weighted fermenting jar or Mason Jar 
  • Mixing bowl

    *1 tbsp of salt for every 1 3/4 pounds (800g) of cabbage. 

1. Shred cabbage by cutting into tiny strips, using a food processor or a hand grater. 

  1. Put shredded cabbage in a bowl and add the salt 
  2. Massage cabbage for about 5 minutes until the water begins to escape and it becomes fully saturated. 
  3. Put the cabbage in the jar and add back in the water from the bowl. Pack the cabbage down as much as you can and weigh it down with a weight jar, or a small mason jar filled with marbles/ stones) 
  4. For the next 24 hours continue to press down the cabbage every couple of hours or when you remember! After 24 hours the water should fully submerge the cabbage. 
  5. As its fermenting keep out of direct sunlight! Let it sit in a cool room temperature ideally between 65F and 75F 
  6. Continue to check on it pressing it down under the water and the weight  if you notice the cabbage begins to float .
  7. After 3 days you can begin to taste it— I recommend letting it sit for min. 10 days – 4 weeks.
    *Depending on desired sourness and taste! 



  • Spinach 
  • Leeks
  • Apples 
  • Dandelion leves 
  • Red Onion
  • Asparagus 
  • Flax seeds 
  • Olive oil 
  • Tahini 
  • Apple cider vinegar 
  • Sea salt and pepper 


  1. In a pan lightly toast flax seeds until they become aromatic (1-2 mins) 
  2. Saute leeks 
  3. In a pan saute leeks and asparagus.
  4. Chop apples, dandelion leave, onions, (or any additional veggies you want to add) 
  5. Put all ingredients in a bowl with the spinach 


Mix tahini, olive oil and apple cider vinegar together in a bowl. Pour over salad and enjoy!

Edamame and Tomatoes 


  • Can of capri tomatoes/ Or fresh tomatoes 
  • Frozen bag of edamame 
  • Spices of choice! (Basil, garlic, onions, oregano etc) 
  • Salt and pepper to taste! 


  1. Cut up tomatoes into moderate sized slices
  2. Add them to a pan with the frozen edamame 
  3. Cover and cook until done! 

Turmeric Tea 


  • fresh ( or powder) turmeric 
  • Fresh ginger
  • Peppercorns
  • Lemon


  • slice or grate both turmeric and ginger in a large pot of water and add black peppercorns
  • Bring to a boil for 10-15 min. .
  • Serve with a wedge of lemon