Today’s member profile comes from Dr. Christian F. Rueda-Clausen M.D. Ph.D., ABOMd clinical and academic credentials include his Clinical specialty training in Internal Medicine and a Clinical Fellowship in Adult Gastroenterology Dr. Rueda-Clausen sits on the Clinical Adults Committee. 

Dr. Rueda-Clausen was born and trained as a physician in Colombia. His clinical and academic credentials include his Clinical specialty training in Internal Medicine and a Clinical Fellowship in Adult Gastroenterology, a Ph.D. in Physiology (Fetal programming, Cardiovascular metabolism, and obesity), and a Postdoctoral Clinical Research Fellowship in Bariatric Medicine (all at the University of Alberta, Canada). For his contributions to the study of obesity, he became a Fellow of The Obesity Society (FTOS) and in 2017 he became a Bariatric Medicine Specialist certified by the American Board of Obesity Medicine (ABOMd).

During his career he has been actively involved in a broad spectrum of biomedical research initiatives including RCTs, clinical, epidemiological, and basic experimental research projects conducted in different academic and clinical institutions from Colombia, Spain, and Canada.

Tangible products of his academic activities include over 60 manuscripts published in indexed peer-review journals, over 220 abstracts in local national and international conferences, several awards and recognitions, over 10 invited presentations and seminars in national or international events, and one book chapter. Throughout his career, he has been the recipient of peer review awards from provincial, national and international funding agencies and obtaining research funding form agencies such as HSFC, CIHR, and AI-HS that secured more than 6.4 million CAN$ in operational grants.

Over the last few years, his clinical and research interest have gravitated around Bariatric Gastroenterology including NAFLD/NASH and other obesity related GI pathologies as well as the role of bariatric endoscopy in the management of obesity and obesity related pathologies.

In the summer of 2018, he moved to Regina SK, to establish a practice as a gastroenterologist and continue his academic activities as an associate professor of the University of Saskatchewan.