Respect. Knowledge. Action.

Obesity Canada is the country’s leading obesity registered charity association for:

  • Health professionals
  • Researchers, trainees and students
  • Policy makers
  • Canadians living with obesity

Vision: A day when people affected by the disease of obesity are understood, respected, and living healthy lives.

Mission: To improve the lives of Canadians living with obesity through research, education, and advocacy.

Strategic goals:

  1. Addressing the social stigma associated with obesity
  2. Changing the way policy makers and health professionals approach obesity; and
  3. Improving access to evidence-based prevention and treatment resources.

Core Values

Respect: We believe that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. To this end, Obesity Canada works toward reducing weight bias and stigma through research, education and action.

Evidence-Based Action: Obesity Canada aims to facilitate knowledge exchange regarding obesity prevention, treatment and policy.

Obesity Canada is a network of researchers, health professionals, policy makers, industry stakeholders, and public supporters interested in obesity prevention and management.  

Obesity Canada major strength lies in the quality of the skills and knowledge of its membership. Members range from government representatives, health professionals, individuals working in non-government organizations and industry, as well as researchers and students working to address obesity in Canada. 

Becoming a member of Obesity Canada is the first step in developing a link to Canada’s obesity community. Not only is membership with Obesity Canada an opportunity to unite with other obesity stakeholders (individuals and organizations), but also to be a part of a continuously growing community developed to improve the lives of Canadians affected by obesity.  

The vision of Obesity Canada Membership Program is to promote the free exchange of ideas, knowledge, and experiences as well as to facilitate networks and collaborations between obesity researchers, practitioners, decision makers and other stakeholders in Canada towards a day when people affected by the disease of obesity are understood, respected, and living healthy lives.

Guiding Principles of Obesity Canada Membership Program:

  • Obesity Canada membership provides an opportunity to access a national network of professionals who support the mission, vision and objectives of the Network.
  • Membership in Obesity Canada is free;
  • The membership program creates a principal or owner level for Obesity Canada’a governance structure (The Board of Directors is accountable to Obesity Canada Members)

Privileges of Obesity Canada Membership 

In all aspects members shall have the same privileges. 

Obesity Canada Membership Benefits
Being a part of a national network that facilitates the exchange of ideas, information and experiences to reduce the burden of obesity in Canada.
A chance to influence the obesity field in Canada.
Leadership / Training / Networking opportunities
Obesity Canada event registration discount (e.g. Canadian Obesity Summit, Educational Activities)
Free subscription to CONDUIT newsletters
Free access Obesity Canada website and online resources. Some examples include:

    • OBESITY+: provides access to the current best evidence about the causes, course, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and economics of obesity and its related metabolic and mechanical complications.
  • Obesity in the News
    • Obesity Canada Videos: includes scientific presentations from OC-RCO events.
    • Obesity Canada Practitioner Tools (5As & 5AsT Obesity Management downloads)
  • Environmental Scan of Pediatric Weight Management Programs in Canada
Free access to online clinic and resource directory
Eligibility for Obesity Canada awards:

  • Student Travel Award
  • Distinguished Lecturer Award
  • Faculty Supervisor Award
  • TOPS New Investigator Award
Eligibility for Obesity Canada Committees, Working Groups, Expert Panels
Access to Obesity Canada  Student and New Professional (SNP) and eligibility to Obesity Canada activities and resources:

  • Awards and grants (travel awards, guest speaker grant, chapter start up funds)
  • Education Activities and Conferences (Obesity Boot Camp, Canadian Obesity Student Meeting)
  • Access to OC-SNP’s local university chapters 
  • Resource centre (career opportunities, internships)
  • Free electronic OC- SNP newsletter
  • Free access to OC – SNP Blog
Access to Obesity Canada Local Chapter Events and Resources

Ability to post notices and information online (e.g. Employment, Obesity related events, etc.)
Opportunities to disseminate research findings

Obesity Canada Membership Program Policies and Procedures 

Obesity Canada  is a broad network of over 30,000 organizations and individuals from many sectors and disciplines. 

Obesity Canada’s Vision is a day when people affected by the disease of obesity are understood, respected, living healthy lives.   

The Mission of Obesity Canada is to improve the lives of Canadians through obesity research, education and advocacy.

The Network’s strategic goals are:

  1. Addressing the social stigma associated with obesity
  2. Changing the way policy makers and health professionals approach obesity; and
  3. Improving access to evidence-based information, prevention and treatment resources.

Obesity Canada’s core values are:

Respect: We believe that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. To this end, Obesity Canada  works toward reducing weight bias and stigma through research, education, and advocacy.

Evidence-Based Action: Obesity Canada  aims to facilitate knowledge exchange regarding obesity prevention, treatment, and policy.

Obesity Canada  is Canada’s official representative in the World Obesity Federation, an umbrella organization for more than 70 members in 60 countries, both obesity associations and related organisations, including regional obesity representatives (Latin America, Europe, Asia/Oceania)

Obesity Canada’s responsibility includes the dissemination of information to our members’ other professionals, government, industry and Canadians affected by obesity. Dissemination mechanisms include the network’s website, social media, publications, education activities, and conferences or workshops. All the dissemination of information should reflect Obesity Canada’s code of conduct.

Members will be informed of Obesity Canada’s activities and the Administrative Centre will provide mechanisms for members to voice their complaints and concerns. Resolution of complaints and concerns will be in a timely manner. No decision by OC will be based on sex, race, ethnicity, weight/size, or disability of any member and no barriers will result from discrimination.

Person First Language and Appropriate Images

Person-first language is the standard for respectfully addressing persons with chronic disease, rather than labelling them by their illness. Because of the importance of reducing bias associated with obesity, Obesity Canada and their partners urge everyone to use person-first language. Access our guide to person-first language here.

Non-stigmatizing images

In an effort to reduce pejorative portrayals of persons with obesity in media reporting, we have created an Image Gallery that provides a collection of photographs that individuals with obesity in ways that are positive and non-stereotypical. These images provide a fair and non-biased representation of youth and adults who have overweight and obesity. Access our gallery of non-stigmatizing images here.

Member Conduct

As a registered charity organization with a high level of public accountability, Obesity Canada is obligated to adopt a code of conduct outlining its responsibilities and those of its members. Members must agree and abide by this code of conduct. 


  • Always act with fairness, honesty, integrity and openness; respect the opinions of others and treat all with equality and dignity without regard to gender, race, colour, creed, ancestry, place of origin, political beliefs, religion, marital status, disability, age, weight/size, or sexual orientation. 
  • Promote the mission and strategic goals of Obesity Canada  in all dealings with the public on behalf of the Network and within Obesity Canada. 
  • Provide a positive and valued experience for those receiving services within and outside of Obesity Canada. 


  • Act with honesty and integrity and in accordance with any professional standards and/or governing laws and legislation that have application to the responsibilities members perform for or on behalf of Obesity Canada. 
  • Comply with both the letter and the spirit of any training or orientation provided to them by Obesity Canada in connection with those responsibilities.
  • Adhere to the policies and procedures of the Obesity Canada and support the decisions and directions of the Board of Directors and its delegated authority.
  • Take responsibility for their actions and decisions. Follow reporting lines to facilitate the effective resolution of problems. Ensure that they do not exceed the authority of your position.

Conflict of interest

Conflicts of interest should be avoided at all times.

Conflict of interest” means a situation where, to the detriment or potential detriment of the network, an individual is, or may be, in a position to use research knowledge, authority or influence for personal or family gain (financial or other) or to benefit others.

An individual participating in the network who is involved with, or has an interest in, or deals in any manner with a third party which might cause a conflict of interest, will not be present and participate in any network decisions, including committee decisions, if the declared potential 

conflict of interest could influence the decision or actions of the network. It is the obligation of the individual to declare such potential, apparent or actual conflict of interest before discussions take place so that the committee or Network Board of Directors is aware of the situation in order to ensure that the individual is out of the room when the discussion and decision process on the item in question are taking place. This course of action should be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

Any question raised by an individual or company regarding the potential conflict of interest of an individual will be raised at the Board of Directors level and must be documented in writing. The Board of Directors will determine the extent to which the question should be pursued and in such cases will consult the individual in question. If necessary, the individual will be asked to respond in writing.

OC members will:

  • Not use their association with OC for commercial purposes, such as advertisements or endorsements. 
  • Not promote personal opinions and views as the official position of OC unless specifically commissioned by OC to do so.
  • Not use the OC logo or name on letterhead or elsewhere for advertisement purposes in conducting personal business.
  • Participate in and encourage critical discourse and practice to protect the public from misinformation, incompetence, and unethical acts.
  • Provide the most current, scientifically supported, and relevant information on obesity to the public and stakeholders.
  • Disclose any direct or indirect financial interests and positions of influence that could lead to a potential, apparent or actual conflict of interest. 
  • Not use the OC membership database for advertisement purposes in conducting personal business.

Confidentiality & Integrity

OC members will:

  • Respect for colleagues and assurance of privacy and confidentiality is expected at all times by all members. 
  • Use integrity in reporting research and practice information; reporting collaborations is also expected.  
  • Not carry out any conduct which may be detrimental to the Network as determined by the Board in its sole discretion;

Personal or sexual harassment

Sexual harassment is any conduct, comment, gesture or contact of a sexual nature that one would find to be unwanted or unwelcome by any individual, or that might, on reasonable grounds, be perceived by that individual as placing a condition of sexual nature on an employment or career development.

Personal harassment means any conduct whether verbal or physical that is discriminating in nature, based upon another person’s race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, political beliefs, religion, marital status, physical or mental disability, weight/size, sex, age, or sexual orientation. It is 

discriminatory behaviour, directed at an individual, that is unwanted or unwelcome and causes substantial distress in that person and serves no legitimate work-related purpose.

Obesity Canada has a zero tolerance policy with respect to personal/sexual harassment. Personal/sexual harassment in any form is strictly prohibited and may be grounds for termination as a volunteer, or, in the case of an employee, immediate dismissal for just cause without notice or pay in lieu of notice.

Implementation of Obesity Canada’s Code of Conduct 

Strict observance of the Code is fundamental to the activity and reputation of Obesity Canada. It is essential that all volunteers, members, committees, Board members, employees, and any other third party service provider in face-to-face contact with OC members and public supporters adhere to this Code. 

The OC Administrative Centre is responsible for implementing a plan to document agreement with this policy. 

Monitoring of OC CONDUCT

Questions concerning violation of the code of conduct by a member should be presented to the Board of Directors in a signed letter clearly stating the facts concerning the situation.  

Online Membership & Clinic Database (Website)

The membership database available on the OC website aims to provide a “one-stop shopping” to find who-is-who and who-does-what in obesity in Canada. As such, the website adopts an “open access” approach to networking for its members.  Individuals who join the membership program agree to publically share their name and contact details as well as information regarding their obesity related activities and areas of interest. Members do not have the ability to send mass emails to the entire database. Any member who violates our privacy and/or security policies is subject to disciplinary action by the Board of Directors, including possible termination of membership and civil and/or criminal prosecution. [Need to determine how OC will monitor this]

OC Website Privacy Statement

OC operates  When visiting, members are asked to use your own prudence and judgement regarding the information that they wish to disclose to the public. OC  makes every effort to adhere to the rules and regulations regulated by COPPA (children’s Online Privacy Protection Act) and CARU (Children’s Advertising Review Unit of the Council of Better Business Bureaus) in order to protect the privacy of children online.

Collection and Use of Personal Information
As outlined above, the primary aim of the network is to allow free exchange of information between obesity researchers, health professionals and other members of the network. The information OC collects is voluntarily given and is visible to any member of the network.

Obesity Canada collects information from site visitors to request personal information, areas of expertise/interest etc. to personalize content. OC collects contact information (like email addresses, names, telephone numbers and mailing addresses) through these forms. 

Contact information collected is used to customize and personalize content and to help establish contact with other researchers, health professionals, or other stakeholders and for the purposes of record keeping. No financial information is collected. Any employee or officer who violates our privacy and/or security policies is subject to disciplinary action, including possible termination and civil and/or criminal prosecution.

Anyone may request that their information be deleted at any time. Requests to delete personal information should be made by email. If a member would like to correct or update information that they have previously provided to us they can edit this information on their membership profile.

Links to Other Sites
In order to promote networking,, provides numerous links to other websites. These sites are not operated by OC, and are out of our control. We cannot guarantee how these sites collect and use your personal information, or to what they may link. Please be careful when surfing the Internet. 

Obesity Canada Annual Reports (incl. financial summary)

2023 OC Financials

2021-22 Annual Report & 2022 OC Financials

2020-21 Annual Report 

2019-20 Annual Report 

A full financial overview can be found on the Government of Canada website, here.

Obesity Canada Strategic Plan

Obesity Canada 2020-2025 Strategic Plan