5As for Pediatric Obesity Management


Experts at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Centre for Healthy Active Living adapted the 5As of Obesity Management for adults into a family centered approach to managing pediatric obesity in primary care.

The 5As of Pediatric Obesity Management professional toolkit includes a practitioner’s checklist, patient tear-off pad, a desktop tool to facilitate discussions on weight with patients, and a practitioner’s guide to incorporating the 5As into daily practice. Head to the Obesity Canada Store to order your copies today.

The below videos were completed and led by the Centre for Healthy Active Living in partnership with HSC as part of Meant2Prevent– A Type 2 Diabetes Prevention initiative for children and youth, funded by SunLife.

These tools were developed for Health Care Practitioners as a tool kit for the management of pediatric obesity.

To learn more about this initiative, please click here!