Obesity Canada’s mission is to improve the lives of Canadians living with obesity through research, education, and advocacy.

Your donation is invaluable, enabling us to continue advocating for Canadians living with obesity through initiatives such as:

  • Canadian Adult Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines, which provide an evidence-based, patient-centered framework for obesity management;
  • OC Connect, a public community for individuals affected by obesity to meet and discuss their experiences, ask questions, and more;
  • The Canadian Obesity Summit, Canada’s largest conference for healthcare professionals, academics, and advocates working in the obesity field;
  • The Report Card on Access to Care, which assesses the level of accessibility of obesity treatments across Canada;
  • Advocating for increased access to obesity care from governments, health systems, employers and others.

Your donation today can help to improve the lives of millions of Canadians living with obesity!

Cash Donations 

As a registered charity, Obesity Canada can issue tax receipts. A tax receipt will be issued for all donations of $20 or more. To send a cheque or money order, please send to Obesity Canada:

Obesity Canada
2-126 Li Ka Shing Centre for Health Research Innovation
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1

Registration Number: 8107 62146 RR0001


You may choose to send Obesity Canada a donation via e-transfer.

Please send to:


Adult and childhood obesity in Canada - what is a health weight and a healthy BMI?

Messages from our donors:

Thank you for supporting the creation of Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines! They have changed my LIFE!


Keep up the great work!


Many thanks for all that you are doing to help those of us living with obesity. I no longer feel alone, especially after the fabulous conference of the last 10 days!


Keep up the amazing and important work!


Keep up the great and very important work!


…finding this site has made me feel a little better about my chronic illness called obesity. Thank-you for helping me take the first step to feeling better about my issues around my weight…
