Photo: (Left to right) Laurent Biertho, Judy Shiau,Sanjeev Sockalingam, Dayna Lee-Bagley, Michael Hawkins, Ximena Ramos-Salas, Mary Forhan (Missing: Stephen Glazer and Melanie Henderson)

The recent Vascular Day sessions hosted by Obesity Canada brought to light the critical relationship between obesity and vascular health. The event served as a vital platform for professionals to delve into the intricate connections, discuss breakthroughs, and address the complex interplay between obesity across the lifespan, obesity and cardiovascular disease and obesity and mental health. The sessions were a culmination of in-depth discussions, where esteemed experts and healthcare professionals shared profound insights and research findings, shedding light on the multifaceted relationship between obesity and vascular health. All the obesity presentations had standing room only, which underscored the idea that obesity significantly contributes to an increased risk of vascular diseases. The correlation between obesity and conditions such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, and peripheral arterial disease was emphasized, underlining the pressing need to address obesity as a risk factor for vascular issues. Moreover, the discussions underscored the necessity of adopting a multidisciplinary approach in managing obesity to mitigate its adverse effects on health and the importance of putting the patient first.

We were truly thankful to have lived experience represented by Al Martin. The integration of behavioral modifications, medication and surgical interventions, was emphasized as an effective means to combat obesity and, consequently, reduce the risk of vascular-related ailments.The sessions also delved into emerging research on the impact of weight bias and stigma on health. These insights open new avenues for potential therapeutic approaches, providing hope for more targeted and effective treatments.Â