
living with obesity

World Obesity Day March 4, 2022

2022-03-01T11:30:12-05:00March 3rd, 2022|

March 4 is World Obesity Day. For the past few years, all of the major global obesity organizations including World Obesity Federation, European Association for the Study of Obesity, The Obesity Society, Global Obesity Patient Alliance, Obesity Action Coalition, Obesity Canada [...]

Toronto Chapter Celebrates Third Anniversary with Positive Messages

2024-05-07T19:28:06-04:00July 18th, 2018|

Obesity Canada's Toronto chapter celebrated three years with The Sweet Taste of Success: Uplifting Stories From The Real World. This event featured three speakers who spoke about about their own experiences with weight management, delving into their journeys of developing improved self-awareness and how they achieved a different [...]

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