Connected 2024 Virtual Conference March 4, 2024
11:00 am – 5:00 pm Eastern
Obesity Canada has been a global leader in patient engagement and empowerment due to our unique ability to connect people living with obesity with each other, leading experts, academics and health professionals working in the area of evidence-based obesity management. From our private online peer support community OC-Connect, where individuals living with obesity can find a community of peers to share and support one another while getting access to reputable, evidence-based information on obesity, to our Connected Conversations webinar series, Obesity Canada is bridging the gap between patients/public and the health professionals/experts.
The Connected 2024 public conference is another way individuals living with obesity can engage with leading experts in the field of obesity management in an interactive and informative way.
We know so much more about obesity than we have in the past, yet it is still a disease that is misunderstood, stigmatizing and difficult to talk about. The time to change the conversation is now.
The theme for Connected 2024 is: “I’m Taking Control of My Health: Can We Talk?”
Arm yourself with information about the evidence-based pillars of obesity management, what are some of the issues and difficult conversations people living with obesity face accessing obesity management, and empower yourself with practical ways to take control of your health and change the conversation.
The topics for this year’s conference include:
- Obesity Is Not a Behaviour [lived experience]
- If Obesity Is a Disease Why Can’t I Get Help? Issues in living with obesity and what we need to counter them
- Make Yourself Heard!:
Part A. The Power of Self-Talk: A Focus on Mental Health and Obesity
Part B. Eliciting Support from people in your life
Part C. How to talk about obesity with your doctors, what questions to ask and how to be your own advocate
Part D. Advocating for our community
If I Can Do It, So Can You! – A Successful Patient Advocacy Story
A Vision of Hope: What does a perfect future look like for people living with obesity and how do we get there? (discussion panel)
Become a sponsor of the Connected 2024 conference!