Today’s post comes from Nadia Browne. Nadia is a Registered Dietitian and a Doctoral student in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Alberta. She is also the current Vice Chair of the University of Alberta’s OC-SNP Chapter and OC-SNP National Executive.

As part of Nutrition Month 2019, today is celebrated as Dietitians’ Day across Canada. It also marks 10 years since dietitians in Canada have been recognized as the food and nutrition experts #DietitiansDay. Registered Dietitians (RDs) play a profound role in the lives of many Canadians as they inspire them to lead healthier lives through good nutrition. Nutrition is a science that can be exceedingly difficult to understand. Therefore, RDs are tasked with the responsibility of translating their knowledge of food and nutrition to help individuals adopt healthier lifestyle behaviours. Today is a special day for RDs as they celebrate their professional expertise and accomplishments. There are many ways to recognize this day with RDs, which include
encouraging them to celebrate.

Here are some suggestions for celebrating Dietitians’ Day:
1. Expression of appreciation. If an RD has made an impact on your life, let them know how they made a difference on your journey towards a healthier lifestyle.
2. Be mindful of your food choices. Get familiar with the new Canada’s Food Guide.
3. Get informed. Obtain more information on who is a Registered Dietitian and their roles.
4. Consult an RD. Check to see if Dietitian services are included in your extended health benefits.
5. Make a commitment to a healthier lifestyle. RDs are the premiere food and health communicators. So, let’s take this opportunity to appreciate, honour and recognize the integral role they play in creating healthy individuals and communities across Canada.

Interested in more information about Dietitians’ Day and RDs in Canada? Visit the following websites:

Dietitians of Canada:
Nutrition Month 2019:

Photo from William and Mary Dining Services