As we reflect on the success of our recent conference, Obesity + Hypertension in Canada: From Science to Solutions, we, the staff and board of directors at Obesity Canada, extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who contributed to making this event a phenomenal success.

Firstly, we want to acknowledge the incredible partnership with Hypertension Canada. This collaboration was instrumental in translating critical scientific knowledge to our members, who play a vital role in impacting patient populations. Your expertise and commitment to health education are truly appreciated.

A special thank you goes to all the lived-experience experts who participated. Your willingness to share your personal stories and insights has immeasurably enriched our understanding and approach to tackling obesity and hypertension. Your contributions are vital in advancing the field and fostering a more informed community.

We also must highlight the exemplary work done by King Events. Your team’s dedication and efficiency in managing the logistics before, during, and after the conference ensured a seamless experience for all attendees. Your hard work did not go unnoticed, and we are immensely thankful for your support.

This year was particularly notable as it marked the first time our conference received Patients Included status. This milestone underscores our commitment to making patient involvement a core foundation of our organization. We believe that integrating patient perspectives is essential in shaping a more inclusive and effective approach to health education and advocacy.

Looking ahead, we are excited to continue delivering gold standard education, training, and opportunities for our community. Stay tuned for upcoming announcements about our learning events and conferences planned for 2025 and 2026. We promise more innovative and impactful gatherings as we strive to enhance the health and wellbeing of Canadians.

Thank you once again to everyone involved. Your dedication, expertise, and passion are what make our work possible. We look forward to what we can achieve together in the coming years.