In an effort to reduce pejorative portrayals of persons with obesity in media reporting, we have created an Image Gallery that provides a collection of photographs that individuals with obesity in ways that are positive and non-stereotypical. These images provide a fair and non-biased representation of youth and adults who have overweight and obesity. Our gallery can help promote accurate coverage of obesity-related topics in news reporting and challenge harmful weight-based stereotypes.
All images are free to use, we just ask you to read and adhere to the below ‘Terms of Use’ and follow appropriate media guidelines when using our images.
Additional Image and Media Collections
European Association for the Study of Obesity
Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity
Media Guidelines
Guidelines for Media Portrayals of Individuals Affected by Obesity (USA)
World Obesity Federation Media Guide
The Responsible Reporting of Obesity: Media Guidelines (Obesity UK)