Conversations about children’s weight: Guidance for parents and healthcare providers

2022-01-25T11:37:14-05:00January 25th, 2022|

This post is brought to you by Dr. Amy McPherson, Senior Scientist at the Bloorview Research Institute and Christine Provvidenza, Knowledge Translation Lead at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital.Having conversations about weight and body image can be challenging for children, their families [...]

Helen: Weight of Living

2023-07-28T03:58:44-04:00November 21st, 2019|

Representation matters! Obesity Canada launched the Weight of Living series to dismantle the stereotypes and myths surrounding obesity. Through stories and photos, we hope to address the bias that surrounds obesity and weight, and inspire others to continue the conversation about [...]


2019-09-03T13:43:40-04:00September 3rd, 2019|

by Lisa Schaffer "We cannot be what we do not see." I cannot recall exactly where or when this phrase came to me but it has become core to who I am and how I approach life.  Living with obesity is complicated. [...]

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