
COVID-19 and Obesity: What to Know

As per the World Health Organization, COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus. This new virus and disease were unknown before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019.

Frequently Asked Questions about COVID-19 can be found on the World Health Organization’s website, here.

Official Government of Canada COVID-19 website

If you are experiencing distress, please call your local crisis center.  You can access direct phone numbers, here

Times of crisis can cause anxiety, directing people to comfort food as a means to deal with the stress. This gets challenging for those already suffering from food addiction and emotional eating.

COVID-19 has forced employees into extended quarantine. This is causing increased stress and aggravating chronic illnesses like obesity.

Many across the globe are still under social distancing orders, making this a difficult and challenging situation at all levels, more so in a population who are all too often self-isolated in the world. As a result, anxieties, doubt, fear and other sentiments might be affecting their health and well-being.

Join Dr. Arya Sharma, Dr. Sean Wharton and Dr. Jonathan Gabor as they discuss risk factors for COVID-19 and explore future treatment options.

Fitting in physical activity has been a challenge… it’s about being able to do something, NOT nothing!

The third installment in our HOPE webinar series on obesity and COVID-19. Dr. Arya Sharma, Dr. Sandy Van, and Sandra Elia discuss strategies for managing emotional eating during physical distancing measures.

HOPE Spotlight: Pediatrics

A great start to our COVID-19 HOPE Spotlight Series with some tough but real conversations addressing the impact of COVID-19 on our kids and adolescents. Please enjoy the discussion!

Do Fat Jokes and Memes Motivate Individuals to Lose Weight? With Dr. Arya Sharma and Dr. Ximena Ramos Salas

L’obésité au temps du COVID-19: Que faire lorsque nous attendons ou avons eu une chirurgie bariatrique?

Pour notre nouveau webinaire français, Mme Nathalie Dumas d’Obésité Canada reçoit le Pr Jean-Claude Moubarac est professeur adjoint en nutrition internationale au Département de nutrition de l’Université de Montréal au Québec Canada.

Ils échangeront sur l’implication de la COVID-19 sur les systèmes alimentaires et particulièrement des astuces pour nous permettre de bien manger à bon prix et dans la joie!

Dr. Michael Vallis

Dr. Laurent Biertho

L’obésité au temps du COVID-19 et les patient.e.s en bariatrie

Jennifer Brown

Nutrition in lock down amid patchy access to healthy food. How to eat healthy in an age of grocery store madness

Dr. Andre Carpentier

Aspects physiologiques et la COVID-19 – Ce que l’on en sait à ce jour

Psychological aspect of COVID-19 – what we know so far

Dr. Mary Forhan

Bariatric friendly health services during COVID-19

Dr. Sarah Chapelsky

How to prevent spread of COVID-19 while in grocery stores

Dr. Sue Pedersen

Is obesity as risk factor for more severe COVID-19 infection?

Dr. Arya Sharma

Obesity Canada’s Scientific Director, announces our live series to discuss the impacts of COVID-19 and to provide some encouragement during this difficult time

Public Health Agency of Canada lists obesity as a risk factor for more severe COVID-19 illness and outcomes

By |October 9th, 2020|Categories: covid-19|Tags: , , , , |

By: Ximena Ramos Salas, PhD, Director of Research & [...]

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